Now all I ask from anyone reading this is that you put aside your love for Wayne Rooney, now I know he is a very popular player, but just put that to one side for now. I think most would agree the main problem is David Moyes but lets have a look at a problem I see on the pitch…. Most people consider Wayne Rooney a Number #10 to me a #10 is a creative player behind the Striker how creative is Wayne Rooney …

Here is a graphic today of Wayne Rooney’s long passing, that’s 8 times he has picked the ball up and smashed it to the wing, why I ask ? all’s it does it slows down the play, gives the opposition time to get back in their banks of 4 and defend. Why no short neat passes ? Why not run with the ball ? WHY

Why when he picked the ball up below did he just smash it to the right wing? why not try taking it forward passing to RVP and moving? or even waiting for Mata who is coming into the picture and find him in that space between midfield + defence? How can your #10 be this uncreative.
live sky

How did Liverpool’s 3 attacking players compare I hear you ask….

As you can see from the graphics below Suarez played 2 long balls but both were into the box attacking long balls. Sturridge made 4 long passes however 3 of them were again into the box attacking balls and Sterling didn’t play a single long ball all game, just neat and tidy fluid attacking passes.


From watching the game today[16/03/14], I am sure it was not only me who noticed our disjointed attack no fluid passing, compared to Liverpool’s quick short attacking passing which cut us open time and time again. Rooney’s long ball side to side passing just completely slows down any attacking momentum he just hits the ball from left to right all game, never forward thinking. Liverpool often had numbers back because its easy to get back and defend when Rooney just sprays a pass left to right, but if you play forward thinking football at pace your going to create chances you wont have time to get back and defend as Liverpool proved.

Now for People who say its Moyes tactics….

I’m guessing most will just blame Moyes but take a look at the last 3 games we have played that Rooney has not started (excluding the Sunderland Cup game as I couldn’t find a graphic). This isn’t me picking and choosing games to benefit my argument its our last 3 league games where he has not featured.

Mata played behind RVP v Cardiff. Januzaj played along side Welbeck v Chelsea and Kagawa played off Welbeck v Swansea. Now there is not much needed to be said just look at how many less long ball passes Januzaj + Kagawa made compared to Rooney and when Mata played the long ball it was often a forward thinking passes not side to side, making everything harder for the opposition.

mata v cardiff
kagawa v swansea

Now for People who say its a one off …

“Oh it was one game” Well now I have a graphic for every game Rooney has started in 2014, again this is not me picking and choosing graphics to benefit my argument these are his last 7 games before the Liverpool game.

v wb
v olym
v pal
v arse
v fulham
v stoke
v spurs

In 5 of those 7 games the amount long balls he plays is excessive and its not only that just look at how many of those passes are from one side to the other, how on earth does that benefit the attack HOW ? all’s it does is slow the game down slow our attack down it brings no positives in any way, yes I am repeating myself just like his repetitive long balls game after game.

Here is another stat I find interesting….

Last 8 games with Wayne Rooney
2 Wins

Last 4 games without Wayne Rooney
3 Wins

Coincidence ? I don’t believe so its clear he is just slowing down the play time and time again its so frustrating how can you build a quick counter attack when he just pings it to the wingers ?

If you want to take a further look into this you can get the full Liverpool game here [] 2 great examples in 57th + 58th min he had plenty of short passes on or a chance to carry the ball forward like a great number 10 would


Let me know your thoughts @MUFC201103